31 July 2009

How to tell you went to the wrong blogging conference

Born to Blog BlogHer T-shirt
Not that I didn't have fun last weekend at BlogHer, mind you, but I have to say I was haunted the whole time by the inexplicable feeling that somehow suiting my needs wasn't their primary focus.

Now I just have to figure out how and where to apply all this makeup, and why I would want my brownies to be fat free.


Mrs. B. Roth said...


Anonymous said...

That, my friend, is classy!

DeeMarie said...

You totally rock the shirt!! So glad to meet you Saturday night!! :)

Dad of Divas said...

Wow! It takes a great man to wear a shirt like that (JK!). So were there many guys in attendance this year?

Brittany said...

I'm wearing mine right now! It looks a little different on me...must be the cut of the shirt. IDK. It's still totally hot on you though, love it!

IB said...

You sir, are a brave man, indeed.

unmitigated me said...

Somehow, I don't think they were taking chest hair into account when they selected the shirts.

Heather Dugan ("Footsteps") said...

So funny! (I thought you were going to ask all of us if the shirt made your butt look big)

Mary said...

Is it the sheer, or the v-neck that makes it so wrong?

Melisa Wells said...

The way I see it, you have two choices:

1. Wear an ascot with it.
2. Stuff it with cotton & sew up the edges so you'll have a nice pillow to rest your weary head on.

Jill said...

love. it.

Swirl Girl said...

I'm with Mary - too sheer.

Unless of course it is to show off the hot pink push up bra you're supposed to be wearing.

Nanny Goats In Panties said...

At least it fits, what are you complaining about? Plus, I didn't get one of those!

Also...is that cleavage?

Anonymous said...


I just died laughing. LOVE the shirt.

Jasper Mockingbard said...

I can't keep my eyes off your...radiator.

Irrational Dad said...

MY EYES, MY EYES!!!!!! Hahah. Kudos to you for having the balls (as it were) to not only put the shirt on, but to also post photographic evidence of the fact.

The Microblogologist said...

I believe this elevates you close to my level of crazy, I have video on my blog of me in my bathing suit though so I still edge you ;)

Dawn said...

Hiiilllarious!! I needed a good laugh! Thanks!

Whit said...

How did we not meet there? There were only a handful of us.

I gave that shirt to my wife as a present. Don't ruin this for me.

Father Knows (Travis) Best said...

Whoa. That's all I can muster at this point.

Jenny Grace said...

Looks better on you than it does on me!

Michael from dadcation.com said...

Blog t-shirt thief! Shameful! Okay, not really. But still.