26 December 2008

Sharing only the best

The best line by far from an action-packed Christmas came from my 4-year-old son D-, holding up a few very nice shirts my parents got him (along with a hearty portion of his mountain of new Stuff) and matter-of-factly stating:

"... I already have some shirts at home, so we can just give these ones to poor kids."

Editor's Note: It seems no one has told him that technically, living in a household of four supported solely by the salary of a new teacher at a school in the very worst part of town definitely qualifies you as a Poor Kid.


LiteralDan said...

I hope everyone else who celebrates it had as wonderful a Christmas as we did.

And for the rest of you all, I hope your end-of-year celebrations have been just as rich and rewarding in the most important ways.

For anyone struggling with a sudden loss of income or other uncertainty, my thoughts and good wishes are especially with you. Hang in there and be ready for things to turn around in the new year, even if it looks grim right now.

Lastly, Happy Boxing Day to everyone who celebrates it. What a great idea!

Vodka Mom said...

I LOVE that story!!!

Merry, merry!

Vodka Mom said...

and yeah, thanks for the thoughts. We're gonna need 'em.

unmitigated me said...

I bet he offers his brussels sprouts to those same poor kids.

Kevin McKeever said...

Nice to know the kid is thinking of others. Happy holidays, Dan and fam!

Renee said...

Your well-wishing is much appreciated. A Merry Christmas to you and your family. And Happy Holidays to all.

And your kid is made of Awesome.

Natalie said...

what a thoughtful little guy! my kids keep asking me how much longer we are going to be poor. my answer...until you get a job!

hope you had a great christmas.

Leslie said...

It wouldn't be Christmas if they didn't say something that causes you to thunk yourself upside the parental side of your head.

Anna Lefler said...

Dude, that's genius. I'm SO giving everything I received from the in-laws to those poor children out there, although why they'd want the horrible t-shirt I received is beyond me.

Seems kind of cruel, now that I think about it.

:^) Anna

Anonymous said...

in this economy, there's always someone poorer

Anonymous said...

I love it when my kids want to suddenly donate one of their old lame toys to the "poor people." I guess all of my incessant chattering about those less fortunate has gotten through on some level...

Medrry Christmas!

Swirl Girl said...

glad to know the 4 year old has the true spirit of giving not getting.

Seriously Brenda said...

Fantastic!! I hope you and your family had a great holiday.

My three year old spent most of the day interviewing my sister's new boyfriend. New boyfriend started to show my son some pictures of his latest deer hunting trip and the deer he shot. My son looked at him and said "What? Do you not like deer?" I guess we need to explain the whole idea of hunting to him soon.

Mrs4444 said...

Awesome. Just awesome.

Mrs4444 said...

P.S. I've always wanted to know how to put a link in a comment! Will you please share how to do it?!

mrs4444 a t new.rr.com

Casey said...

That Boxing Day concept is new to me.
I feel bad for the poor kid who got clothes for Xmas. I always HATED getting clothes but my parents always loved it since we WERE the poor kids. Hope you had a great holiday!

Jason, as himself said...

Kids crack me up. I love that he has no idea that he's poor. Ahem. I remember when I was the new teacher supporting a household of four. Good times. And way too much credit card debt.

SabrinaT said...

How funny. We always need DODDEA teachers overseas....

Michael from dadcation.com said...

That is great. Where'd he learn such generosity anyway?