12 January 2009

A conversation between M- & D-: Just after eleventeen

As I mentioned recently, my four-year-old son D- has a beloved Corduroy bear who's seen more than most bears his age ever will or want to.

His nearly four-year relationship with Corduroy is slowly becoming something of an obsession for his almost-two-year-old sister M-, who seems to have taken the concept of hand-me-downs to the extreme of now excitedly waiting to consume her brother's entire existence as she grows up.

Case in point, this conversation that took place in the hallway last week while I was in the shower:

M- (pleasantly, with her hands out): I can have Corduroy.

D- (graciously, as he often is): No, not right now, sweetie.

M-: Yeah, when I'm BIG-GER.

D-: ...No, he'll always be mine, even when you're bigger, but you've got a bear, too, remember?

M-: No-- I can have Corduroy when I'm BIGger.

D- (remixing lines he's been fed before): No, M-, you can't have him when you're bigger, cause even though I'll be bigger, too, he'll still be my friend. But you can hold him sometimes, still.

M- (with an audible blank stare): ...And I can have Corduroy when I'm bigger, when I'm fifty-bigger!

For more such posts, check out the other (4 YO son) D- conversations, (1YO daughter) M- conversations, and (wife) J- conversations.


Anonymous said...

If she still wants the bear when she's 50-bigger, then I'd worry.

Russ said...

I see things going very similarly in my house. Miss L is very infatuated with Mr. B. She wants all his cars, wants all his trains, basically, anything he is holding.

Kat said...

At least he was nice about it, most 4 year old boys I know would hit their sister and tell them it was their bear and to back off.

The Microblogologist said...

I love these conversation posts! You should rent those two out to childless bloggers to give them some blog fodder (aka get paid to have someone babysit your kids).

Anonymous said...

Never give up. never give up.

Jenny Grace said...

I wonder if I'll get anything when I'm 50-bigger.

Weith Kick said...

That's good, that's good. I like that, I like that. "When I'm fifty-bigger." I like that one.

Kori said...

I am glad that my two youngest are far enough apart that with hope, this will never happen. Although recently they were caught wrestling over the dang nerf dart shooters....

Brittany said...

I am still waiting for my brother to hand over the raggy old rabbit he swore I could have when he got to big to sleep with it. And yet...nothing. What a wuss:(

nonna said...

i agree, d- is such a sweety and a great big brother.

don't suppose you could find another Corduroy bear for m- ?

Anonymous said...

i used to complain that they always talk to us and not enough to one another, but if i could get my 2 and 4 y.o. to stop talking to each other now, i totally would.