Here's a deeply poignant, spontaneous conversation I had the other day with my 20-month-old daughter M- on the way home from dropping her brother off at preschool:
M-: Brackabama! I want Brackabama!
Me: You want Barack Obama to win?
M-: No.
Me: Oh, you want John McCain to win?
M-: No.
Me: Well, who do you want to win?
M-: Candy.*
Me: What?
M-: I want Candy! Can I have some?! Please?
So it's not clear to me whether she wants to see a Clark bar elected president or she's shrewdly selling her vote for one.
Editor's Note: I swear on all that is good and holy that I did not make this up.**
* Actually, I believe this was Ron Paul's nickname in medical school, so that counts.
** The lack of this disclaimer on previous or future posts should not be taken as an indication of fictionalization.
In 34 years (or more if it isn't an election year...) if she runs with that as her platform I think she may win the entire country, who doesn't want candy!? Sad when a 20 month old child is a better candidate than those currently running...
My kindergarteners want Barack Obama because he wears nice suits and has an O in his name.
love your darling!
When's the last time we had two Irish candidates like McCain and O'Bama?
I had the same conversation with my wife the other night.
Except I was the one that said, "Brackabama."
Then she punched me in the face.
True story.
Weather mOOse"
Election and Halloween are easily confused. And she is only 1.
Obviously she hopes CNN political correspondent Candy Crowley wins a new contract due to her incisive reports during this election season. And who doesn't?
Gabriel calls him Barkaba. Which I think is pretty close.
Hmmm. Maybe I'll bring candy to the polls!
My 6 yr old saw your baby's Obama commercial and coincidentally happened to remember it on the way to school today. I think the memory was jogged by our neighbor's yard sign. Mean old husband won't let me put one up, we're a split decision family. My plan is to vote early than keep him busy and distracted until November 5th. Is that dishonest?
I want candy ...
My four year old calls him Brack Orbanana. You gotta start them young, is my idea. Even if they just want a piece of candy. :)
What a little politico. Mine just shouts "OBAMA!" at completely random moments, pumping her fist in the air as she says it. Yet another reason I fear I'm raising a dictator. Next she'll be asking for a podium and nice little green wool suit...
Candy for president!
You have to give her all of the facts!! All candidates need a fair representation.
My daughter keeps bugging me to vote for Bob Bar ("Babar" as she pronounces it).
So, the choices are Babar, Brackabama, and candy. Who wins?
To be honest, there have been days would I would sell my vote for chocolate.
So much time has been spent on the two mainstream candidates that it is very refreshing to see a post that addresses the criminally overlooked Sweets Party. They've got my vote.
Among my kids who can speak, Obama is the clear favorite. Except my four-year-old thinks McCain is a better dresser (he really said this). But neither of them is aware that "candy" is a choice.
Hey! I read your comment on Jenny the Blogess about pirates on the brain, and I tried to figure out a way to send you this picture on her comment list. Unfortunately, I was too dumb to figure it out. So instead, I'll just place this link gently on the ground before you and back away slowly while bowing in homage to your ESP abilities.
She could have a strong political career when she gets older. She's already a master of re-direction.
I think she wants Brakabama to give her some candy for that sweet campaign ad she did for him, gratis.
A small price to pay.
What she was actually saying is what I have been trying say for years - We have to lower the voting age.
She should hold out for 100 Grand.
I would like to see a Snickers win, personally. It has more nuts, therefore, more qualified.
Kissing babies no longer works. We want candy! We want candy!
LOL - sounds like a smart strategy to me! I have those days too, where I feel like I'd sell anything for some chocolate ;-)
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