Here, as the title might suggest, are a few of the things that have been amusing me lately:
1. They should print the tags of children's clothing in the front, so my kids might accidentally put some on properly one day.
2. This is a scrap I found from at least a year ago, about a Camry radio commercial I'm absolutely certain they're no longer running:
Totally Sincere "Customer" Voiceover (the culmination of a series of praises about the Camry's dependability and consistent reliability, including "It's good to know there are some things you can still count on"): "When I'm stressed out about something, I sneak out to the garage and look at the Camry, and I feel better."
Well, I have a Camry, myself, and let me tell you, much as I've always liked it [and still do!], this has never worked for me.
3. With the way he's been behaving lately, my 5-year-old son D- sitting up alone in his room playing his harmonica makes me picture him rotting in a cell singing, "No-booody knooooows, the trouble I've caused / No-booody knows but my-teacher-the-principal-the-bus-driver-my-parents-other-kids'-parents-my-grandparents-their-grandparents-and-just-about-everyone-ellllllllse".
4. I feel like I need to hang an announcement around my daughter's neck, to cover me in case of my untimely demise, that reads, "She dressed herself today."
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