Well folks, someone has finally done it. After all these decades... well, centuries, really... a business has found a way to break through all the advertising noise, to make all the overloaded, tuned-out consumers around them sit up and take notice, to come to the table when they're called, without having to bang a drum or shout over the constant dull roar of inferior pitchmen.
You may not, nay, almost certainly have not, yet gotten to see what I am about to reveal to you, as I am one of the elite few privy to the rare, twice-daily, special messages from the ritziest of the insanely enormous home-improvement stores, Lowes, a store in which I can't particularly remember the last time I thought about setting foot.
I, as a presumably-now-part-owner of "MyLowes", was just offered the once-in-a-lifetime chance to... wait for it... Get a SNEAK PEEK at their NEW COMMERCIAL!!!

Hopefully, someday, you too will be so lucky to ascend to the airy heights at which I'm now soaring.
I think you just solidified my holiday plans, Mr. Literal. How can I NOT bask in that kind of reflected glory?
Lowe's is closing stores. Maybe not enough people are considered special enough to get a sneak peek at what they can BUY there.
It is a world of marketing in which we live, je crois.
Sneak peeks at commercials -- really working hard to get attention.
But you are always some kind of special, Literal Dan.
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