13 May 2009

A conversation with D-: An honest voice finally pierces my fog

The following is a straightforward conversation that took place between my 5-year-old son D- and me at lunchtime yesterday, and I'm publishing it here only to further cement this latest lesson handed down from above through the vessel of a child who often issues statements like Moses, if only Moses had been obsessed with Cars and roaring like a monster:

D-: Can you get me a drink? Milk, please?

Me: (sets down an already-poured cup of milk with a significantly raised eyebrow)

D-: How did you know what I wanted?

Me: Cause I'm a genius.

D-: What's a genius?

Me: Someone who's really smart... smarter than anyone!

D- (after a beat, lowering his head to look out over glasses he doesn't yet wear, using the most practical-sounding voice a kid-who-still-puts-his-underwear-on-backwards-at-least-2-days-a-week can muster): You're not a genius, Dad.

So it was spoken, and so I must accept.

You may enjoy my previous D- conversations, (2YO daughter) M- conversations, and (wife) J- conversations.

Editor's Note: Bonus points to whoever can name this movie reference-- "Why would [he] make the point of saying [I'm] not a genius??"


Another Suburban Mom said...

Sheesh! I thought kids didn't think you were less than brilliant until they were teenagers.

unmitigated me said...

You have really screwed something up...unless he is referring to your allegiance to the Blackhahwks...Doh!

Mama Dawg said...

Kids ARE humbling, aren't they?

Goldfish said...

In moments like these, I like to tell my kids that because I am their mother, I know everything. They haven't really questioned this so far. I'm hoping it holds until they're 23 or so. (And: no clue about the movie reference.)

Mary said...

ooooh, ouch.

Amy W said...

Hahaha!! I love it when my kids say stuff like that. The rebel in me likes to see them question what I say, I guess. (I must be a masochist!)

Bookworm said...

*snicker* Owwwwwwww that hurts. He's gonna be a handfull when he's a teenager.

Andrea's Sweet Life said...

I'm proud of you for not stooping so low as to say, "It takes one to know one, son!"

Hmmm, the references sounds familiar but my coffee hasn't kicked in yet. I'll be back later.

Mrs. B. Roth said...

The Royal Tenenbaums??

Midwest Mom said...

I was last called a genius by my child for showing him how to make his blankie into a super-cape.

I think your son and my son have different worldviews... or the genius threshold is just really low at our house.

Tom said...

The kids really know how to take you back down to Earth quick.

Jenny Grace said...

Wise beyond his years, that one.

Christy said...

Nice of them to take us down a notch, eh?

LiteralDan said...

Mrs. B. Roth has it-- The Royal Tenenbaums.

Go rent it, or better yet, just buy it. Unless you're my wife, or someone with her taste in movies/comedy.

Then you need to focus your time, money, and energy on changing the core of your being, as much as she does.

Mrs4444 said...

That was AWESOME. You do a really nice job of painting a picture, LD. Loved this.