22 September 2008

Hey buddy, can I get a spot?

Don't get me wrong: I fully appreciate that as a freshly 20-month-old baby-o, M- is handling the toilet training process way ahead of her time. On paper, that is.

But my new rule is, if you're old enough to say, "Oh, thanks" like a full-grown man having his basketball bounced back over to him when I wipe your backside, you're old enough to start taking care of that business all by your lonesome.

Is that so unreasonable?


unmitigated me said...

If you want a job done right....

thegirlof510 said...

Trust me, you do not want someone that young wiping her own backside just yet. It ends horribly.

Rikki said...

If you don't help, she is going to end up with a skid mark half-way up her back!

Keep wiping.

Seriously Brenda said...

At least she isn't seeking you out to do the job like mine is. "Mommy, it's time to wipe my butt!" And then he asks "Are you done yet, I've got stuff to do."

Fun times.

Anonymous said...

I have a feeling I'll be wiping my daughter for years to come.

Anonymous said...

I have a feeling I'll be wiping my daughter for years to come.

Irrational Dad said...

Don't listen to thegirlof510 or Rikki... they know not of what they speak. I say you let her try it (just please have the video camera handy), and post your results!

Anonymous said...

Hey, I think I had better warn M- to stop talking so well or she's going to have to start cooking her own meals and dressing herself before she turns 2 while you sit at eat bon bons. No good deed goes unpunished.

steenky bee said...

I would say you're right in line with the wiping refusal. I seriously never thought I'd type those words together. Definitely stop when he starts shaving. It's gone on too long by that time.

Brittany said...

In theory, yes. But I fear the outcome of the reality of it.

Mama Dawg said...

Oh dear....you're in for it if you think that. I feel for you, you poor delusional daddy.

Mrs. B. Roth said...

don't video your daughter wiping her own bum ... and if you do, don't post it on the internet. just ... no. I'm sure joe's a nice guy and all, but ... no.

Kat said...

It is better to do it yourself than have her coming up to you later saying "My butt hurts!!"

Aracely said...

One word Dan- pink eye! Watch Knocked Up they'll tell you all about it.

Anonymous said...

Trust me. You might want to take this one for the team for just a bit longer. Kittens and babies are terrible at licking/wiping sufficiently.

CaraBee said...

For some reason I was kind of looking forward to potty training. Now, I'm completely and totally grossed out.

Chris M. said...


A nonchalant, "Oh, thanks."

I tell you, if I wipe someone's rear, there had better be more in it than a casual "thank you."

Maybe 20 bucks.

Weather Moose

Irrational Dad said...

@Mrs.B. Roth - nonono. I wasn't inferring that he tape the actual, uh, "procedure". I was thinking more along the lines of what condition the bathroom would be in afterwards. I imagine it would resemble a multiple-murder crime scene.

Mrs. B. Roth said...

I knew it probably just sounded bad, not how you meant it ... but just to be, y'know, safe.

My local area has has some recent issues with kidnapping and such (a kid in my kid's class, nonetheless) ... makes it hard to not take things the wrong way and be all hyper overprotective. Even of other people's kids.

Sorry, no offense!

Natalie said...

yeah she is a little young to be wiping, but i would say don't wait too long to let her try herself. then you can always take a babywipe and fix her mess!

Jenny Grace said...

I wouldn't trust her with the wiping job quite yet, unless you want skid marks on her chonies and toilet paper all over the floor. If that's the goal, then dive right in!

Anonymous said...

I'm still wiping backsides all around... and just hoping I won't have to follow my kids off to college with a pack of wipes in my back pocket.

Swirl Girl said...

remember - girlies wipe front to back!

wait 'til she's 9 and your still reminding her of that one!

Andrea said...

The fun never ends...at least on her end.

Anonymous said...

aaah, your poor child is the butt of the....oh, nevermind.

you've outed a national epidemic.

but, hey, it's either then (at wiping time) or during the laundry. not sure which is worse...!

Anonymous said...

Oh, I missed you while my internet was out...once again you've reminded me of one of the things I don't miss in the least now that my kids are 8 & 11!

Anonymous said...

Thought I'd come by and say hi, but the fact that your 20 month old is potty training kinda makes me hate you.

How to Party with an Infant said...

Good luck with that. Check for streak marks.

Ann(ie) said...

HAAAAAAAAAAA!!! Yeah. You make a good point.

LiteralDan said...

I know, I know-- I don't really want her wiping by herself just yet, but can't she at least speed up her motor development some, to keep pace with her verbal development??

This will only get worse before it gets better. And don't get me started on the whole front-to-back thing.