12 September 2008

Tinkle, tinkle, little star

In her continuing effort to become 5 years old in 2 years or less (she currently seems to be speaking and thinking at about a 3-year-old level), my 19-month-old daughter M- woke up mostly dry the other morning and immediately peed in the toilet upon waking.

Now, I don't know about you, but that first pee in the morning is generally very refreshing and primally satisfying, and given that this was her first-ever Morning Pee on a toilet, where she could hear that satisfying splashing sound instead of feeling that unnerving warmth, I expected great giddiness. However, she was mostly excited about getting "a treeeeeeeat", and this moment I captured seems to suggest that even that high wasn't made to last long:Nothing like that first pee of the day, or the first morning-pee of your life
Maybe she just knows it marks the end of an era, a glorious time of life* when you can just let loose whenever you want and know someone will clean it up for you.

Honestly, though, based on her usual morning mood, I think the look may have understandably stemmed from getting her picture taken while on the toilet (again). Still, being as angelic as she often is (I just can't bring myself to exaggerate by not including this qualifier), she couldn't hold out for long:Aw shucks... I'm just trying to make the world a little better, one pee at a time
Full Disclosure: I had just reminded her that she could have extra treats for actually making pee, one of which is finally getting to use some of that highly-sought and entrancing toilet paper.

* To clarify, I mean the time of life when you don't feel guilty or depressed about that habit.


Chris M. said...

That first one is, "Dad? Seriously?"

And number two is, "Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad??!?!?"

Weather Moose

Goldfish said...

"Unnerving warmth"-- too funny. I've potty-trained two boys now (only one more left... big sigh of relief), and am a firm believer in bribery, aka "rewards," to get the job done.

Angie said...

Hey LiteralDan!
Thanks for stopping by my place, it was so nice of you to visit! Congratulations on the potty training of your absolutely adorable little sweetie!

Brittany said...

She is so cute! I am still struggling with potty training, but the pees are sooo much more fun that the poops.

Mama Dawg said...

She is soooooo gonna kill you for this when she gets older.

Whip this out whenever she starts dating someone you don't approve of. The look of horror on her face will be payment enough.

Seriously Brenda said...

Girls are way smarter than boys! My 18 month old will also pee on the potty first thing in the morning. My 3 year old son on the other hand waits for me to take his pull up off and force him to sit on the potty and tells me how mean I am for not letting him just pee in bed.

Your daughter is totally adorable!

Anonymous said...

Okay. First, she's going to kill you for those pictures someday. Second, they are really freakin cute! And, third, I applaud your ability to describe the sheer joy and pleasure of the morning pee.

Kevin McKeever said...


Leslie said...

That picture is serious bribery material in her teen years. :) Trust me. You'll need it.

Kat said...

Congrats on the first morning pee in the potty. KiKi is still just randomly yanking off her diaper and running to the potty, post diaper piddle.

Putting the FUN in DysFUNctional said...

She is too cute. She has that mischievous look about her. Love it!

Anonymous said...

My 15 month old daughter is just starting to show interesting in peeing on the potty. However, the other night when I could tell she was getting ready to poo, I put her on the potty and she just got up and walked away.

Unfortunately I didn't have the good sense to follow her, and had to clean poop up off the kitchen floor. I think my face mirrored picture number 1 - and my daughter's face, picture number 2.

Jenny Grace said...

When Gabriel was around 13 months old, he would take off his diaper and poop under my kitchen table every. single. day.
Finally I put a potty under the kitchen table, which is kind of gross, but not as gross as poop on my floor.

Aracely said...

I hope you bought more Rasinetts. She's too cut. (give her the whole box!)

Rikki said...


Way to go girl!

19 months is YOUNG to be going on the potty already. I think you should contact MENSA for an evaluation!;)

thegirlof510 said...

Wow, I never knew kids could be potty trained that early.

Anonymous said...

I love the look on her face in the first picture--she is so done with you! When we were potty training my youngest daughter, we couldn't clap, "hooray" her, or anything--she would go ballistic!

Congrats on such early success!

Anonymous said...

congrats on the potty training, but I'm very concerned about the corner of that counter. It lines up oh so nicely w/ her pretty face. Just tell her not to get TOO excited when she hops off to get her treat. : 8

Kori said...

I have been potty trained for many ,amny years, yet I still love the toilet paper; a holdover from youth. sigh...to hell with raisinettes, I want me some Charmin!-That's what she is really saying in that first pic.

unmitigated me said...

Dammit, now I need to pee.

Michael from dadcation.com said...

congrats! ours took her first dump in the mini-potty today. i got a call at work from Pretty Bride!

steenky bee said...

You know, sometimes my husband thinks he's still in that time of life when others will clean up everthing for him. He's been potty trained for years though.

Jon said...

Congratulations Dan. Literally. Such a happy day.

Lola said...

From birth to death, girls are way more advanced I always say...

She's adorable, and she should be giving you that look for taking her picture on the potty. Hell, she should be giving you the finger!

Kat said...

Could she be any cuter? What a doll!

sarah said...

Dan. Seriously, she is so effin cute.
I "awwwwwwwwed" out loud just now.

CaraBee said...

Man, I hope I can get my daughter to potty train at 19 months. Congratulations!

Captain Dumbass said...

Thanks for that first pic. First laugh of the day.

Ann(ie) said...

Lawd she's adorable! And you're my damn her, btw....My boy might be 18 b/f he's ready!

Anonymous said...

Too cute! It's a joyous day, isn't it? When they decide to pee pee on the potty?

What sucks is when a week later your sweet baby decides she doesn't want to go on the potty after all and for the next six months refuses to go willingly to the potty, instead preferring to tinkle all over the carpet and on the seat of every chair in your house.

The Microblogologist said...

So my family isn't the only one to sing it "tinkle tinkle"? I think Dad sings it, "Tinkle tinkle little girl time to go potty so your butt stays dry". M is so adorable!

Candid Carrie said...

Um, could the hesitance come from the fact that she might be claustrophibic? Goodness, Literal Dan, that is by far the most teensy weensy bathroom space I have ever seen in my life!

LiteralDan said...

Thanks to everyone for inflating lil M-'s ego with your fawning and praise. I can only hope this behavior sticks around after that ego leaks back down to manageable size.

To those who suggested girls are way superior/more intelligent, you are all morons who are completely wrong, and I'd tell you exactly why, but... I don't wanna.

And finally, yes, our bathroom is ridiculously tiny and dangerous on many fronts, including a scalding radiator that barely fits in there. Maybe that should be a post.

Red Cup Mom said...

This is hilarious. I love the picture show. I was gonna say she was quite grumpy til I saw the angelic smile next.

LiteralDan said...

Oh, she likes to run hot and cold as quickly as possible, to keep us on our toes.

I hear that's not uncommon among The Ladies worldwide, but I haven't been able to confirm that yet...

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