17 November 2008

A conversation with D-: Stuck in a jam

The following is a not-atypical conversation I had with my 4-year-old son D- the other day on our way to the library:

D-: Why are we going to the liberry?

Me (brushing the turnip leaves off my sleeve): The lie-berry? What's that?? Is it like a blueberry or a strawberry?

D-: No!

Me: Should I go look for a lie-berry bush so I can pick me some lie-berries for a delicious lie-berry pie?

D- (scolding): You know what I mean! The LIE... b... (pause) ...erry.

Me: Mmmm, sounds yummy!

D- (giving me a well-practiced blank look as if I'm a hopeless idiot*): It's not.

* May or may not be accurate.


miko564 said...

I do the same kinds of things with The Monkey, and I fear these are things she and her brother will remember when they are picking out a "home" for me in my old age...

Irrational Dad said...

Hahaha.... love the label. "Bad Parenting".

thegirlof510 said...

The turnip leaves part was inspired...the rest of the conversation? Well, let's just say a day at your house would be entertaining. :P

Deranged Princess said...

Enjoy teasing them now. Soon they're able to dish it all back and you'll wonder why you ever started it in the first place.

Carolyn...Online said...

When I read that last line in my head it came out as, "it's snot" which somehow made the whole exchange make more sense.

Anonymous said...

Just wait until he does that to his own kids. Then it will really be funny.

Anonymous said...

Just wait until he does that to his own kids. Then it will really be funny.

Kevin McKeever said...

Lie Berry ... used to be the mayor of Washington, DC, right? Or is that Halle's ex-husband?

Anonymous said...

Heeheehee...he's not amused by you, eh? Join the club! Before long, he will just be shaking his head and rolling his eyes at you--the time is coming my friend.

Mrs. B. Roth said...

My husband will tease the children in this manner until they are frustrated to the point of violence or tears - is this part of "making a man" out of them or something? Good heavens, it's cute for a second, then leave the poor kid alone. Oh, right, so the kid is driven crazy, then an accidentally well placed hit to the groin and it's time out while daddy "composes" himself.

Bad parenting indeed...

(great post, though)

Anonymous said...

When you get old he'll put you in a home just to get revenge. Or make you a sandwich.

Renee said...

What a dick. I love it.

Tara R. said...

Is that like a crackberry for kids? You sound like my hubs... the grammar police. :D

Issa said...

What's that saying, be kind to your kids, they pick your nursing home? That being said, my brother is 26 years old and still says Liberry. So maybe you will be able to save your son the humiliation of never being able to say it right.

Swirl Girl said...

I love kid-speak. When mine say their wonky words, and I correct them - they say "that's how I call it" .

I say - good thing it's not a dog, because it won't when you call by the wrong name!

Jenny Grace said...

I love your son's deadpan response.

At least, I imagine it as deadpan in my brain.

beth said...

Out of the mouth of babes!

unmitigated me said...

Loved the post. But Renee's comment was even better.

Jenni said...

He all but called you and asshole. That's great.

Brittany said...

What is NOT yummy about the lieberry? The smell alone is a total turn on!

Allison said...

I'm filing these posts so when I have kids I can torture them properly. I mean, just as paybacks for the whole labor thing. What's your excuse? :)

Leslie said...

Not bad parenting. Hilarious parenting.

The Microblogologist said...

So how many of your stories involving him can you just copy paste the last line for? I bet he gets a lot of use out of that look and line combo! The trick is to tease them for awhile and then do something really cool later to make up for it before they choose your home...

SherE1 said...

My husband likes to aggravate our kids like that, too. When my 4 year old announced in the car that her sister needed to follow the "erections" (instead of "directions"), it left my husband speechless for once. I was cracking up!

Andrea said...

My nine and ten-year-olds still use "liberry"--dives me crazy! And I'm not even a librarian....no wait...a media specialist....???